專題討論(一)(Seminar in Soil and Water Conservation(I))1
專題討論 (四)(Seminar in Soil and Water Conservation (4))1
專題討論 (三)(Seminar in Soil and Water Conservation (3))1
專題討論 (二)(Seminar in Soil and Water Conservation (2))1
環境影響評估(Environmental Impact Assessment)3
坡地工程特論(Special topics in Slope Engineering)3
植生工程特論(Special Topics on Vegetation Engineering)3
應用地質學(Special topics on engineering geology)3
水資源工程設計(Water Resources Engineering Design)3
生態工程(Ecological Engineering)3
坡地工程電腦輔助設計(Computer-Aided Design in slope Engineering)3
統計學特論(Special Topics on Statistics)3
坡地資源調查特論(Directed Studies in Slopeland Resources Investigation)3
高等防風定砂(Advanced Windbreak and Sand Stabilization)3
水土保持工程研究(Research for Soil and Water Conservation Engineering)3
水土保持學特論(Special Topics in Soil and Water Conservation)2
土壤學特論實習(Special Study on Soil Science Experiment)1
防砂工程特論(Special Topics on Sabo Engineering)3
資源品質學(Resources Quality)3
水文學特論(Special Topics in Hydrology)3
土壤物理學特論(Special Topics in Soil Physics)3
河川生態學(Ecological River)3
工程地質特論(Special Study on Engineering Geology)3
電腦輔助坡地規劃(Computer - aided slopeland planning)3
土壤學特論(Special Study on Soil Science)2
流體動力學(Fluid Dynamics)3