(subject and content)
1.土壤之固體形態。 1. The soil solid phase.
1.土壤之固體形態。 1. The soil solid phase.
2.土壤水分保持2. Water retention in soil.
2.土壤水分保持2. Water retention in soil.
3.土壤水分移動。 3. Water Movement in soil.
3.土壤水分移動。 3. Water Movement in soil.
4.田間土壤水分 4. The field soil water regime.
4.田間土壤水分 4. The field soil water regime.
5.土壤熱傳導。 5. The soil thermal regime.
5.土壤熱傳導。 5. The soil thermal regime.
7.土壤中之溶質傳遞。7. Solute transport in soil.
7.土壤中之溶質傳遞。7. Solute transport in soil.
8.土壤性質之空間變異分析方法8. Methods for analyzing spatial variations of soil properties
8.土壤性質之空間變異分析方法8. Methods for analyzing spatial variations of soil properties