教師資訊-研究室成員 TEACHER-GROUP
姓名: 張光宗老師
職稱: 教授
電話: 04-22840381#303(Office)
傳真: 04-22876851
Email: changkt@nchu.edu.tw
研究室位置: 水保一館304室

SCI   |   EI   |   期刊   |   研討會   |  
1 頁/共2
Yeh, P.T., Chen, I.H., Lee, K. Z. Z., Chang, K. T.* (2022) Graphical comparison of numerical analysis, slope mass rating, and kinematic analysis for the effects of weak plane orientations on rock slope stability, Engineering Geology 311, doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106900
Engineering Geology
Chang, K.T., Lee, K. Z. Z.*, Yeh, P.T., Chang, C. M., Yu, J. Y. (2021) Creep behavior of cemented sand investigated under cyclic loading, Environmental Earth Sciences 80: 766, doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-10065-2 (SCI, MOST 106-2625-M-005-010)
Environmental Earth Sciences
Chang, K. T., Lee, K. Z. Z.*, Wu, H. Y. (2020, Aug). Internal Erosion Failure of Uniform Sands under Confinement and Constricted Seepage Exit. Water, doi:10.3390/w12092417. (SCI, MOST 108-2625-M-005-008.)
Yeh, P.T., Lee, K. Z. Z., Chang, K. T.* (2020) 3D Effects of permeability and strength anisotropy on the stability of weakly cemented rock slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration, Engineering Geology, 266, doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.105459 (SCI, MOST 106-2625-M-005-010)
Engineering Geology
Lo, C. M., Feng, Z. Y.*, Chang, K. T. (2018) Landslide hazard zoning based on numerical simulation and hazard assessment. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9(1), 368–388. (SCI)
Natural Hazards and Risk
Kang, X., Ge, L., Chang, K. T., and Kwok, A. (2016). Strain-Controlled Cyclic Simple Shear Tests on Sand with Radial Strain Measurements. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Volume 28, Issue 4. (SCI)
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Chang, K. T.*, Kang, Y. M., Ge, Louis, and Cheng, M. C. (2015) Mechanical properties of gravel deposits evaluated by non-conventional methods, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001287. (SCI, NSC 99-2625-M-005-006-MY3)
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Chang, K. T.* and Huang, H. C. (2015) Three-dimensional analysis of a deep-seated landslide in central Taiwan, Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4128-x. (SCI, MOST 103-2625-M-005-004-MY2
Environmental Earth Sciences
Chang, K. T. *, Ge, L. and Lin, H. H. (2015) Slope creep behavior: observations and simulations, Environmental Earth Sciences, , 73 (1), 275-287. (SCI, NSC 99-2625-M-005-006-MY3)
Environmental Earth Sciences
Kang, X., Kang, G.C., and ; Chang, K.T., and Ge L. (2014) Chemically Stabilized Soft Clays for Road-Base Construction, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001156. (SCI)
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
1 頁/共2